If you’re looking after someone with a life limiting condition there is a lot of support and resources you can access to help you. It is important to look after yourself. Whilst caring for someone can be rewarding it can also be very tiring, putting lots of demands on your physical and emotional energy. When you are simply coping day to day and responding to the needs of others, it’s easy to forget your own health needs.
Below are also some resources to help you as a carer:
- Supporting carers (hospiceuk.org)
- Looking after yourself (carersuk.org)
- Getting support as a carer (macmillan.org.uk)
- Caring for someone with a terminal illness (mariecurie.org.uk)
- Gloucestershire Carers Hub (gloucestershirecarershub.co.uk)
- Carers emergency scheme (gloucestershirecarershub.co.uk)
- Life after caring (gloucestershirecarershub.co.uk)
- Care Advice Line (thecareadviceline.org)
- Society of Later Life Advisors (societyoflaterlifeadvisers.co.uk)
- Care Services Directory (carechoices.co.uk)
- Carers UK – Employment Rights (carersuk.org)
- Self Care information from Apps to Online groups (carersuk.org)
Caring for someone at the end of their life
This information leaflet can be downloaded and is written for people who are caring for someone who may be approaching the end of their life.
It may also be useful for the person who is being cared for to read this leaflet if they are well enough to do so. It contains some practical tips and advice about medications to help with symptom management.
Further information
Your Circle
Your Circle is a directory to help you find your way around care and support and connect with people, places and activities in Gloucestershire.
Support from your GP
If your General Practitioner (GP) knows that you are a carer, they can provide you with really useful support, advice and information. For example, they can refer you to local support networks in your area or help you understand what you’re entitled to as a carer – such as a free flu jab.
It’s important to tell them about your caring responsibilities so that they can offer support.
- Talking to your GP (carersuk.org)