You should call your GP surgery when you have an illness that won’t go away.
There are 64 GP Practices in Gloucestershire.
Use the website to find a GP surgery accepting new patients near you.
GP Practices are working with other specialist healthcare professionals, such as pharmacists, paramedics, physiotherapists and mental health nurses, offering a greater range of skills and services and freeing up GP time to spend with patients who have complex needs.
Online Services
The majority of GP Practices now have online services available.
The NHS App allows you to book appointments with your practice, or order repeat prescriptions.
Most GP surgeries can now answer queries online via their websites. If they need to see you, your GP or other healthcare professional may also be able to offer you an appointment over the phone, or by video call using your smartphone, tablet or computer.
Evening and weekend appointments
GP practices now offer a range of appointments outside of ‘normal’ hours, in the evening and at the weekend.
If you need urgent medical care when your surgery is closed (and it can’t wait until the morning) contact NHS 111 either online or by telephone and they will make sure you receive the care you need.
You can also call the Gloucester Health Access Centre to make an appointment. It’s open 7 days a week, 8am to 8pm.